Helpful Links
Here you will find different links to local businesses that support our community and Holly Hill events.

Garrett's Towing & Recovery, LLC
408 National Highway,Thomasville, NC 27360
336.476.3153 #GarrettsTowingandRecovery #SupportLocal
Holly Hill wants to thank Garrett's Towing & Recovery, LLC in Thomasville for sponsoring 35 CANDLES for our candlelight event on Saturday, December 3rd. We are so grateful for their support and generous sponsorship.

Childers Concrete Company
200 Wise Ave High Point, NC 27260
Holly Hill wants to thank Childers Concrete Company in High Point for sponsoring 175 CANDLES for our candlelight event on Saturday, December 3rd. We are so grateful for their support and generous sponsorship.

Guy's Family Pharmacy
817 Randolph St. Thomasville, NC 27360
Holly Hill wants to thank Guy's Family Pharmacy in Thomasville for sponsoring 100 CANDLES for our candlelight event on Saturday, December 3rd. We are so grateful for their support and generous sponsorship. And remember, at Guy's Family Pharmacy, you're not just treated as a customer....You're treated like family!

First Bank Thomasville
201 Kennedy Rd. Thomasville, NC 27360
Holly Hill wants to thank Edwina Hardee, Branch Manager of First Bank in Thomasville for sponsoring 35 CANDLES for our candlelight event on Saturday, December 3rd. We are so grateful for their support and generous sponsorship.
At First Bank, we offer the same services as the big banks, but with personalized service from bankers who know your name and live in your neighborhood.